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Wine is Life

Monday, December 24, 2012

Indian beer

1)Give few brand names of Indian beer-Kingfisher, Kalyani Black Label, Kings, Sandpiper,Haywards, Thunderbolt, Royal Challenge, Knock out,Castle, Cannon 10000 etc. 2)Where was the first Indian brewery set up?-It was set up in Kasauli, in the Himalaya mountains, near Shimla. 3)Name the man who started the first Indian brewery-Edward Dyer. 4)Give the name of the beer brand produced by Edward Dyer in India's first brewery-Lion. 5)Name Asia's first beer-Lion (Ale). 6)Name the beer made by International Breweries P. Ltd.that won the title of "World's Best Strong Lager," at the World Beer Awards- Australian Max Beer. 7)Give examples for Indian brewery groups-United Breweries (UB) Group, Mount Shivalik Breweries etc. 8)Who is the owner of United Breweries (UB)Group?-Mr.Vijay Mallya. 9)Name the sister company of United Breweries (UB)Group-Millennium Alcobev. 10)Which is India's largest selling strong beer?-SABMiller’s Haywards 5000. 11)Name the largest selling Indian beer brand in India-UB's Kingfisher. 12)Who introduced beer in India?-The British introduced beer in India. 13)Give the slogan of Kingfisher beer-"The King of Good Times". 14)Give the slogan of Royal Challenge beer-"Brewed Longer, Brewed Better". 15)Name the beer brand which is brewed and sold only in the state of Goa-Kings. 16)Name India's first Stout beer-Haywards Black. 17)What are the various styles of Haywards?-Haywards 2000 (5.5% alcohol), Haywards 5000(7% alcohol), Haywards Black (8% alcohol)and Haywards 10000. 18)Expand APB-Asia Pacific Breweries. 19)When Carlsberg entered the Indian beer market?-May 2006 . 20)Give few products of Carlsberg India-Carlsberg Elephant, Palone 8, Tuborg etc. 21)How many breweries are owned by Carlsberg group in India?-5. 22)Name the group that introduced innovative packaging in the form of a unique pull-off cap instead of a beer crown cap (which does not need a bottle opener) for the first time in India- Carlsberg India. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS SUBMITTED BY JOEL ASWIN LOBO, VIII SEMESTER BHM (2009-2013 BATCH), SAROSH INSTITUTE OF HOTEL ADMINISTRATION, MANGALORE.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


1)What is Sekt?-Sekt is German Sparkling wine. 2)What are the various methods used for manufacturing Sekt?-Charmat method and Methode traditionalle. 3)Name the method by which high quality Sekt is produced-Methode Champenoise. 4)Give the names of grape varieties used for making Sekt-Riesling, Pinot blanc, Pinot gris and Pinot noir. 5)Name the tax levied on Sekt-Schaumwein tax. 6)What is so unique about Sekts which are labeled as 'Deutscher Sekt'?-Those Sekts are made exclusively from German grapes. 7)Name the first entrepreneur who introduced sparkling wine in Germany-Georg Christian Kessler. 8)Other than Germany, which country produces Sekt?-Austria. 9)Who is regarded as the 'Father of Austrian Sekt'?-Robert Alwin Schlumberger. 10)Give the brand name of the sparkling wine produced by Robert Alwin Schlumberger-Schlumberg Champagner. 11)Sekt contains less alcohol than Champagne-True or False-True. 12)What is the quality name used for Sekt?-Qualitätsschaumwein. 13)Give the other name for Sekt-Schaumwein. 14)What does the term 'b.A' in Sekt b.A. or Qualitätsschaumwein b.A mean?-b.A. means "from a specified region". 15)Give two famous brand names of Sekt-Henkell Trocken and Rotkäppchen-Mumm Rose Trocken. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS SUBMITTED BY PIUS JACOB, VIII SEMESTER BHM (2009-2013 BATCH), SAROSH INSTITUTE OF HOTEL ADMINISTRATION, MANGALORE.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


1)What are Cocktails?-Cocktails are types of mixed drinks that are made up of one or more alcoholic beverages with a mixer (juices, aerated water, special and flavoured aerated water etc.). 2)What is the normal portion size of cocktail?-3 and a half to 4 oz. 3)Name the two parts that creates a cocktail-A base and a modifying agent. 4)Give few examples for cocktails-Screwdriver (Vodka based ), Martini(Gin based ), Margarita (Tequila based ), Sidecar (Brandy based), Shandy (Beer based )etc. 5)Name few cocktails that can be served to ladies-Pink Lady, Ladies Negroni, Sex on the beach etc. 6)Give 7 examples of bar glassware used for serving cocktails-Cocktail glass, Margarita glass, Hurricane glass, High ball glass, Tom Collins glass, Slim Jim glass, Old fashioned glass etc. 7)Name few gin based cocktails-Gimlet, White lady, Pink lady, Dry Martini, Gin Fizz, Singapore Sling etc. 8)Name few vodka based cocktails-Bloody Mary, Screw driver, Harvey Wall banger, Salty Dog, Moscow mule, Vodkatini, White Russian, Black Russian etc. 9)Name few brandy based cocktails-B&B, Side car, Between the Sheets, Brandy Alexander, Pouses Cafe, Brandy Cooler etc. 10)Name few whiskey based cocktails-Manhattan, Godfather, Rusty Nail, Whisky Sour, Rob Roy, Sazerac etc. 11)Name few rum based cocktails-Planter’s Punch, Pina Colada, Daiquiri, Mojito, Cuba Libra, Mai Tai, Bacardi Cocktail etc. 12) Name few tequila based cocktails-Tequila Sunrise, Margarita, Bull’s Blood, Tequila Sunset, Brave Bull, Viva Villa etc. 13) Name few beer based cocktails-Black Velvet, Depth Charge, Shandy, Snake Bite, Caribbean Night etc. 14) Name few wine based cocktails-Kir, Kir Royale, Bucks Fizz, Spritzer, Sangria, Wine Cup, Americano etc. 15)What is the difference between a mocktail and a cocktail?-Mocktail is non-alcoholic whereas the latter is alcoholic. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS SUBMITTED BY ANTONY SEBASTIAN, V SEMESTER BHM (2010-2014 BATCH), SAROSH INSTITUTE OF HOTEL ADMINISTRATION, MANGALORE.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Château Le Pin

1)What is Château Le Pin?-It's an expensive red wine from France. 2)Name the region and sub-region of France that makes Château Le Pin-Region-Bordeaux and Sub-region is Pomerol. 3)Name the current owner of Château Le Pin-Jacques Thienpont. 4)How the vineyard got the name Château Le Pin?-It got the name since there is a solitary pine tree near the winery. 5)What is the other name for Château Le Pin?-Le Pin.

Pinot Noir-Grape Variety

1)What type of a grape variety is Pinot Noir?-Black grape variety. 2)How you pronounce Pinot Noir?-Pee-noh-n'wahr. 3)Give the birthplace of Pinot Noir- Côte-d'Or, Burgundy region of France. 4)Is Pinot Noir, a difficult grape variety to cultivate?-Yes,Pinot Noir is a difficult grape variety to cultivate since it is much prone to fungal diseases. 5)"God made Cabernet Sauvignon whereas the devil made Pinot noir."Who made this statement?-André Tchelistcheff, a noted American wine maker. 6)How is Pinot Noir known in Italy?-Its known by the name Pinot Nero. 7)How is Pinot Noir known in Germany?-Its known by the name Spätburgunder. 8)Name the most widely planted red grape variety in Germany?-Spätburgunder. 9)Name the only red wine produced in Alsace-Pinot noir rouge. 10)Which is the American wine region that cultivates Pinot Noir in large quantity?-California. 11)What is the nick name given to Pinot Noir by the world?-Red Burgundy. 12)Give few examples for food which Pinot Noir wines can be paired with.-Pork and poultry, beef and bacon, cheese and chocolate, fish, lamb, mushrooms, fresh herbs and wild game. 13)Name few countries that cultivates Pinot Noir other than France-United States, Italy, Austria, Argentina, Hungary etc. 14)How Pinot Noir got its name?-The literal translation of Pinot Noir is 'pine black'.In the vine, the grapes are bunched up together and resembles the shape of a pine cone and hence the name Pinot Noir. 15)Why Pinot Noir red wines are very expensive?-Pinot Noir red wines are very expensive since it is difficult to cultivate the grape variety.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Chardonnay-Grape Variety

1)Name the grape variety which is cultivated in almost all the wine regions of the world-Chardonnay. 2)Which is the world's second largest cultivated white/green grape variety?-Chardonnay. 3)What type of a grape variety is Chardonnay?-White/Green grape variety. 4)Give the native place of Chardonnay-Burgundy region of France. 5)What type of soil/soils is/are ideal for Chardonnay?-Chalk and Limestone. 6)Name the grape variety which is often misunderstood for Chardonnay-Pinot Blanc. 7)Name the only permitted AOC grape variety in the Chablis region-Chardonnay. 8)Which food can be paired with wines made from Chardonnay?-Roast Chicken,Roast Turkey, Roast Pork and Fish preparations (to some extend). 9)Give an example for a sparkling wine that uses Chardonnay-Champagne. 10)What is the implication of the term 'oaked' on a Chardonnay wine label?-It means that the wine was aged in oak. 11)Name the grape family to which Chardonnay belongs to-Chardonnay belongs to the Pinot family. 12)When was the first written reference of Chardonnay made?-In the year 1330. 13)Name the monks credited with the popularity of Chardonnay-Cistercian monks. 14)Why Chardonnay is called so?-The name Chardonnay was given to the white grape variety since it originated from a village called Chardonnay located in Maconnais, sub-region of Burgundy, France. 15) What are the various styles of wines prepared from Chardonnay?-Dry white wines, Sparkling wines,Sweet white wines etc.