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Saturday, November 24, 2012

American Whiskey

1)What is American Whiskey?-American whiskey is a type of whiskey produced in US. 2)What is the base of American Whiskey?-Fermented mash of cereal grain is the base of American Whiskey. 3)What are the different kinds of American whiskeys?-Bourbon whiskey, Tennessee whiskey, Rye whiskey and Corn whiskey. 4)What is 'Mash' in terms of American Whiskey?-American whiskey mash is made up of a mixture of corn, rye, wheat and barley. 5)Name the ingredients that are not added in the American whiskey in comparison to other whiskeys-The addition of coloring, caramel and flavoring additives are avoided to retain the flavor of the original mash. 6)What is BIB/Bottled In Bond?-Bottled in bond refers to American-made spirit that has been aged and bottled according to a set of legal regulations contained in the United States government's Standards of Identity for Distilled Spirits as originally laid out in the Bottled-in-Bond Act of 1897.To be labeled as "Bottled-in-Bond" or "Bonded," the spirit must be the product of one distillation season and one distiller at one distillery. It must have been stored (i.e., aged) in a federally bonded warehouse under U.S. government supervision for at least four years and bottled at 100 (U.S.) proof (50% alcohol by volume).* 7)What is Bonded warehouse?-Warehouse in which the liquor is stored under government supervision. 8)Name the birth place of American whiskeys-Kentucky. 9)Name the Baptist preacher who is credited with the invention of Bourbon whiskey-Reverend Elijah Craig. 10)Name the man who first initiated the process of charring oak barrels-Reverend Elijah Craig. 11) What is Bourbon Whiskey?-Bourbon whiskey is the most famous American whiskey which is made from maize, rye and malted barley.It is produced from a mash containing at least 51% maize but more usually the mash contains up to 70% maize. It is distilled in a continous still and is matured in charred oak barrels for a minimum of two years. 12)Some bourbons are made by using ‘sour mash’.What is Sour mash?- Sour mash is a fermented mash of previous fermentation which is utilized for the batch currently being made. 13)Give few brand names of Bourbon Whiskey-Jim Beam, Old Crow, Old Grand Dad, Four Roses, Maker's Mark etc. 14)What is Tennessee Whiskey?-It is a corn whiskey made in the region of Tennessee using a sour mash of 51% corn. The whiskey is distilled in patent stills and are filtered through thick layers of charcoal. 15)What is Lincoln County Process?-Lincoln County Process is a filtration process which most of the Tennessee whiskeys undergo.The whiskey is filtered through a thick layer of maple charcoal before it is put into casks for aging. 16)How many brands of Tennessee whiskey exists in the world?-4. 17)Give 4 brand names for Tennessee Whiskey-Jack Daniel's, George Dickel,Benjamin Prichard's and Collier and McKeel. 18) What is American Rye Whiskey?-An American whiskey made from a mash containing not less than 51% rye. Rye whiskies are mostly blended. 19)Give 3 brand names for American Rye Whiskey-Bulleit, Heaven Hill and Knob Creek. 20)What is American Corn Whiskey?-American Corn whiskey is a kind of American whiskey made from a mash containing 80% maize. 21)Give 2 brand names for American Corn Whiskey-Buffalo Trace and Heaven Hill. 22)What is an American Straight Whiskey?-If aging of any type of American whiskey reaches two years or beyond and the whiskey has not been blended with any other spirit, colourings or additives, the whiskey is termed as Straight whiskey. 23)What is Moonshine?-The term means illicit distillation and refers to high proof, often 190 proof (95% alcohol), distilled spirit. 24)Give 4 American Whiskey based cocktails-Whiskey Sour,Three Wise Men, Manhattan and Bourbon Lancer. 25)Which is the best way to enjoy American Whiskey?-Add few drops of water to the whiskey and enjoy. (*-Courtesy Wikipedia)

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