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Wine is Life

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Château Pétrus Wine

1)What is Château Pétrus?-A famous expensive red wine from France. 2)Name the French wine region where Château Pétrus is made-Pomerol, Bordeaux. 3)Which are the grape varieties used for making Château Pétrus Wine?-Merlot and rarely Cabernet Franc. 4)Name the type of soil seen in Château Pétrus vineyards-Iron-rich clay termed as Crasse de fer. 5)Who is the current owner of Château Pétrus estate?-The family of the wine merchant Jean-Pierre Moueix. 6)What is the cost of a bottle of Château Pétrus?-Almost 600 Euros (equivalent to 43, 100 INR). 7)What is the grade given to Château Pétrus?-Grand Cru is the grade given to Château Pétrus.Grand Cru is given to wines of the highest grade.

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