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Wine is Life

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Est! Est!! Est!!! Wine

1)What kind of a table wine is Est! Est!! Est!!!?-Est! Est!! Est!!! wine is a white wine. 2)What does Est! Est!! Est!!! mean?-Est! Est!! Est!!! is a term which means “It is” or “This is it” in Latin. 3)Why Est wine is called Est! Est!!Est!!! Wine?-As the story goes, when a German Bishop was traveling through Rome he wanted to only taste quality wines. To secure this, he sent his scout ahead to taste for superior wines. The scout was told to write “Est” on the inn door where he found the quality wine. When the scout traveled to Montefiascone, he liked the wine so much that he wrote “Est! Est! Est!!!” on the door thus, it claimed its name Est! Est! Est!!! Wine. 4)Where is Est! Est!! Est!!! wine from?-The Est! Est!! Est!!! wine is primarily from Central Italy's Lazio region. 5)What kind of food does Est! Est!! Est!!! wine pair well with?-It goes well with poultry and seafood. 6)What are the flavors and aromas of Est! Est!! Est!!! wine?-The flavors and aromas of Est! Est!! Est!!! wine are pear and violet. 7) Name the grapes used for making Est! Est!! Est!!! wine-Malvasia and Trebbiano (Ugni Blanc in France)grapes are used to make Est! Est!! Est!!! wine.Both are white grapes. 8)In which year Est! Est!! Est!!! wine received DOC status?-1966. 9)What did the wine experts comment about Est! Est!! Est!!! wine on 'The World Atlas of Wine'?-Wine experts, Hugh Johnson and Jancis Robinson commented that Est! Est!! Est!!! wine is "usually the dullest white wine with the strangest name in the world." 10)What is the full name of Est! Est!! Est!!! wine?-The full name of Est! Est!! Est!!! wine is Est! Est!! Est!!! di Montefiascone. 11)Give the name of the German Bishop who is associated with the story of Est!Est!!Est!!!-Johann Fugger. 12)What are the various styles of Est! Est!! Est!!!-Secco, Abboccato, Amabile, Spumante and Passito.

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