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Wine is Life

Monday, November 26, 2012


1)Name the only wine to be mentioned in a National Anthem?-Tokaji is mentioned in the Hungarian National Anthem. 2)What is Tokaji?-Tokaji is a sweet white wine from the region of Tokaj-Hegyalja in Hungary or the adjoining Tokaj wine region in Slovakia. 3)Name the world’s first demarcated wine region-Hungary’s Tokaj. 4)What is the English name for Tokaji?-Tokay. 5)What are the different grapes used in the making of Tokaji?-Furmint, Hárslevelű,Yellow Muscat,Zéta, Kövérszőlő and Kabar. 6)What are the various styles of Tokaji?-Dry, Szamorodni,Aszú,Eszencia,Fordítás and Máslás. 7)Name the most famous style of Tokaji-The most famous style of Tokaji is Aszú, sweet, topaz-colored wine and is made from botrytised grapes. 8)How is Tokaji pronounced?-Tok-eye. 9)Give 2 brand names for Tokay-St.Stephen’s Crown, Tokaji Aszu 2003 and Anno, Tokaji Szamorodni 2000. 10)Who called Tokaji as "Vinum regnum, rex vinorum"-"Wine of Kings, and King of Wines"?-Louis XV. 1)Name the first winery to produce a Tokaji ice wine-Chateau Pajzos in 1999. 12)What is Puttonyos?-The sweetness of Tokay is traditionally measured by the number of puttonyos or baskets of sweet grapes used. 13)Name few popular consumers of Tokaji-Louis XV of France, Napoleon III, Beethoven etc. 14)Which is the most expensive style of Tokaji?-Tokay Essencia. 15)What is the famous marketing line used by the companies to promote the sales of Tokaji wines?-"Wine of Kings, and King of Wines".

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